#10 Does Vaping Expose you to Toxic Chemicals
Investigate whether e-cigarette use (vaping) exposes users to toxic chemicals that increase the risk of respiratory system damage.
Investigate the cause of water pollution in Big Lake.
Investigate the cause of water pollution in Big Lake.
Explore how certain types of lake bottom materials can act as buffers to keep the pH of the lake water constant.
Investigate whether temperature or food type affects yeast respiration.
#5 Keeping a Balance: Homeostasis and Negative Feedback
Learn how negative feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis – such as regulating body temperature and blood glucose concentration.
#4 Kidnapped
Conduct simulated forensics tests to determine which suspect might have kidnapped a wealthy celebrity.
#3 Cell Membranes: Diffusion and Osmosis
Create a model cell to observe diffusion through a membrane.
#2 Plants in a Bottle: Photosynthesis and Respiration
Explore how environmental conditions affect oxygen production and use.
#1 Enzymes and Lactose Intolerance
Design and conduct experiments to learn how enzymes help people with lactose intolerance.