Science Take-Out was awarded a grant from the NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to create two new kits that focus on the environmental health effects of e-cigarette use (vaping). The $150,000 grant will fund a partnership between Science Take-Out and scientists at University of Rochester’s Environmental Health Sciences Center (EHSC) and the Center for Inhalation and Flavoring Toxicological Research (CIFT).
The recent incidents of hundreds of vaping-related hospitalizations underscores the need for education targeted at teens and young adults. E-cigarettes are currently the most commonly used tobacco product among youth. Commonly cited reasons for vaping among both youth and young adults are flavoring/taste and low perceived harm compared to other tobacco products. Because of the rapidly evolving e-cigarette technology, there are many uncertainties and unknowns about the environmental health effects of vaping. Vaping may pose significant health risks due to long-term exposure to e-cigarette aerosols containing chemicals, flavorings, ultrafine particles, and heavy metals.
Science Take-Out will be collaborating with University of Rochester scientists to develop the two new kits. The kits will then be field tested in schools and in community-based settings.
Click on this link to view a NBC Nightly News story that features two of our University of Rochester scientists discussing their vaping research.