Enzymes and Lactose Intolerance
$18.95 – $122.95
How do enzymes help people with lactose intolerance?
How does the dietary supplement LACTAID work to help people with lactose intolerance?
Kit Includes
- Student instructions
- 1 LACTAID capsule
- 1 empty tube labeled “LACTAID”
- 1 empty tube labeled “water”
- 1 tube of Powdered Milk
- 1 tube of Glucose
- 1 tube of “Acid” (white vinegar)
- 5 labeled droppers
- 12 toothpicks
- 2 test strips
- 12 pieces of glucose indicator paper
Also Required
- Scissors
- Tape
- Water
- Safety goggles
Quantity Discounts
- 1 – 9 kits: $18.95 each
- 10 – 24 kits: $18.00 each
- 25+ kits: $17.06 each
- 1 – 9 packs: $122.95 each
- 10+ packs: $116.80 each
- 1 – 9 packs: $68.95 each
- 10+ packs: $65.50 each
Correlation to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Shop by NGSS »
Performance Expectations:
MS-PS1-2. Analyze and interpret data on the properties of substances before and after the substances interact to determine if a chemical reaction has occurred. [Clarification Statement: Examples of reactions could include burning sugar or steel wool, fat reacting with sodium hydroxide, and mixing zinc with hydrogen chloride.]
Science & Engineering Practices
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations - Plan an investigation individually and collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence, and in the design: decide on types, how much, and accuracy of data needed to produce reliable measurements and consider limitations on the precision of the data (e.g., number of trials, cost, risk, time), and refine the design accordingly.
Analyzing and Interpreting Data - Analyze and interpret data to determine similarities and differences in findings.
Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter - Each pure substance has characteristic physical and chemical properties (for any bulk quantity under given conditions) that can be used to identify it.
PS1.B: Chemical Reactions - Substances react chemically in characteristic ways. In a chemical process, the atoms that make up the original substances are regrouped into different molecules, and these new substances have different properties from those of the reactants.
Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns - Macroscopic patterns are related to the nature of microscopic and atomic level structure.
Structure and Function - Students infer the functions and properties of natural and designed objects and systems from their overall structure, the way their components are shaped and used, and the molecular substructures of their various materials.