We are providing these files for teachers to use for online teaching.
Diagnosing Diabetes (STO-117) – kit files and photos of experiment results
We are providing these files for teachers to use for online teaching.
New Grant for Vaping Education Kits

Science Take-Out has been awarded a new grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Read about our community environmental health kits
Read about our community environmental health kits in this newsletter from our grant funder, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Kits spur community environmental health literacy
Show us your Science Take-Out kits!
We love to get photos from teachers using Science Take-Out kits. Show us how you are using our kits, and we’ll show the world!
New Grant for “STEM and Health” Kits

Science Take-Out has been awarded a 2-year grant from the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences.
Thank you for the errors: How we make lemonade out of lemons
Kidney Dialysis Kit: Modeling Diffusion and Homeostasis

Science teacher, Judy Barcelon, shares her tips and experiences with the Kidney Dialysis kit.
New Grant for Environmental Health Science Kits

Science Take-Out has been awarded a 2-year grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
New “STEM and Health” Kits
The kits integrate STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) concepts into real-life topics related to human health problems and solutions.